Dr. Belur V. Dasarathy, IEEE Fellow, an independent consultant offers services to commercial as well as federal
clients interested in design and development of automated intelligent decision systems arising in a variety of applications.
His expertise includes guidance, teaching, research and development(R&D) and R&D management in the areas of intelligent decision
systems, learning systems, multi-sensor multi-source information fusion, knowledge discovery through pattern recognition and
data mining, image analysis and other related topics.
His professional full-time affiliations have included Dynetics Inc., Intergraph Corp., Computer Sciences Corp., Indian Institute
of Science, Southern Methodist University, as well as adjunct positions at University of Alabama in Huntsville.
He has been an invited speaker at many international conferences including: International Workshop on Information Fusion 2002,
Beijing and Xian, China; IX Spanish Symposium on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing 2001, Benecassim, Spain; IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2000, Goa,India; International Conference on Applications of Pattern Recognition
1998, Plymouth, England.
He is the founding Editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Information Fusion published by Elsevier Science, the very
first journal dedicated to this evolving field. He has offered short courses in the information fusion arena under SPIE and
other conference sponsorships as well as under individual company/ University/ Organization sponsored on-site programs.
Dr. Dasarathy was honored as the IEEE Huntsville Section Outstanding Engineer 1996, IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Engineer for
1997 and a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He was one of the founding members of the board of directors of the
International Society on Information Fusion (ISIF) and served on it for three years. He was the guest editor of Optical Engineering
for three special sections on Sensor Fusion. He has been the organizer and chairman of the annual SPIE Conferences on Sensor
Fusion since 1997 and on data mining since 1999. He was the publicity chair for the International conferences on Information
Fusion - Fusion 1998, Fusion 1999, Fusion 2001, a member of the executive committee of Fusion 2000, and is a member of the
International Program committee for Fusion 2003. He has organized and chaired special sessions on Information Fusion and Data
Mining at other conferences including IEEE Decision and Control 1998, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 1999,
IGARSS 2000, IECON-2000. He has been a member of the Scientific Committee for the annual workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems
since 2000 including the one to be held in 2003. Most recently, he was the technical vice-chair for Autotestcon 2002.
Dr. Dasarathy has over 180 open literature publications with him as primary author in majority of these publications. He is
the author of three IEEE Computer Society Press books: Decision Fusion, Nearest Neighbor (NN) Norms: NN Pattern Classification
Techniques, and Image Data Compression: Block Truncation Coding. He has also contributed chapters/sections to other books,
latest of which is the handbook on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Oxford University Press, 2002). His publications have
been cited in the literature in over 400 studies.
His biographical citations include: "WHO' WHO" in Computer Graphics," Marquis, 1984; "Personalities of the South," American
Biographical Institute, 1986; Who's Who in Technology Today," Dick Publishing 5th Edition; "Who's Who in the South and Southwest,"
22nd Edition, 1991; "The Official Registry of the Who' Who of American Business Leaders," 1991; and International Who's Who
in Information Technology, 1999.